Thursday, December 2, 2010

4th section

Helloo!! It is December already! I hope everyone had a great time at Gospel Concert last Tuesday. What a powerful spirit right there! Umm, it hasn't been discuss about our book for awhile. Well, I want to start small fire and hope for more woods!

In chapter 29, what does "Impression without expression causes depression" means to you?

I am not sure what does it means but I am wondering if someone can answer it. Thanks

Should we try find what Lord wants us to do? How can we find it out?? What is the best way to discover our gifts and abilities?

What is the purpose of having weaknesses?


  1. Impression without expression causes depression means so much! We are all expect to serve God, in fact he commands us to! What is the point if we are learning about HIS word and NOT putting it into motion? I believe to becoming mature spiritually we have to make HIS word part of our daily lives, and it should NEVER take a back seat despite the circumstances.

    I can tell you personally in my life (especially in the last 2 -3 years) I've really had to put things I've learned into my daily life. It's not easy and there are times where I'd literally say out loud "In the name of Jesus, give me the strength...or wisdom...etc" to get me through this, or not fall into clamps of temptation.

  2. I think we should try different things to find out what the Lord wants for us. It could created a positive chain reaction and lead you to something you've never thought of even doing!

    I'm sure most of you already know by now, but I'm an usher at our church, and for about 2-years I've been taking ASL lessons from Ann Marie! It's been an absolute blessing because I found two interests that I didn't know I even had. I don't know what the end result will be but I know God is going to do some amazing things with these "new found" abilities. It's already opened up new doors to friendships with other believers and new bond created with various people! It never hurts to try.

    God doesn't expect us to be good at everything otherwise we wouldn't seek HIM!
    Our Lord wants to use us for positive things! And he take every situation good or bad for HIS glory, but its not for us to try and predict that because God already knows ! He just have to trust HIM. The final page on Chapter 29 was powerful to me because there are MANY examples of people who God used despite their background! All we have to do is cast our issues aside, and not listen to what others might say. It's HIS plan...not mans...
    Even Pastor Dennis has mentioned this during service. God forgives our past and HE doesn't change the kind of future HE has for us :-) AMAZING !!

  3. Esther! Great job of keeping up with the blog over the semester. AND, I'm SUPER excited about you learning from and assisting June next semester. Its going to be awesome!

    Purpose Driven Life says the best way to find out your gifts and abilities is to JUST START SERVING, experimenting with different ministries, and you will discover your gifts.

    I LOVE that question! "What is the purpose of having weakness?" It causes us to depend on God, keeps us from being arrogant, AND increases our capacity for sympathy and ministry.
